(630) 879-0999
27 N. Batavia Ave., Batavia, IL 60510
Serving Batavia Since 1980


Spring Vehicle Checkups: Essential Tips for a Safe Season

Tired of the continuous grey clouds and low temperatures in Batavia? The good news is that you'll be able to wave goodbye to this weather soon. While it doesn't feel like it at the moment, make no mistake that spring is on the horizon. At Batavia Avenue Mobil, we know that means it's time to shift gears and start thinking about automotive maintenance for the new season. Now, it's safe to say most motorists know the value of routine maintenance for their vehicles, even if...

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Categories: | Tags: spring vehicle checkup, spring maintenance | View Count: (27)

Understanding the Steering and Suspension Systems

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Understanding the Steering and Suspension Systems

The steering system and suspension systems, often grouped grouped together as the "steering and suspension system" although they are technically separate, play crucial roles in ensuring safe and comfortable driving. These systems work together to provide stability, handling, and control while absorbing shocks from the road, thereby enhancing the overall driving experience. Today's article is a closer look at both systems and how to tell when your vehicle requires a steerin...

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Categories: | Tags: suspension system, steering system, steering and suspension | View Count: (188)

Why is my Brake Pedal Hard to Push Down?

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Why is my Brake Pedal Hard to Push Down?

You're driving without a care in the world when you see a yellow light ahead. You step on the brake pedal to slow your car to a gradual stop, no different than the many other times you've taken this action on your commutes around town. But something's different. This time, your brake pedal is hard to push down. You overcome this resistance and. . .

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Categories: | Tags: brake repair, brake pedal hard to push down | View Count: (173)

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Phone: (630) 879-0999
Address: 27 N. Batavia Ave.
Batavia, IL 60510
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